Mastermind Sheri Youngstrom of Tru Beauty Day Spa

Mastermind Sheri Youngstrom of Tru Beauty Day Spa

What is an Osmosis Mastermind? 

An Osmosis Mastermind is an Esthetician, Spa or Educator whose skills and passion exemplify our values of being bold innovators who address the whole self and focus on holistic care to activate essential repair within skin conditions and the body.

 Sheri YoungstromAll over the world, Osmosis estheticians are changing the way people treat their wellness and skincare concerns. Join us in celebrating an outstanding professional who is making a difference in the lives of her clients and community: Sheri Youngstrom of Tru Beauty Day Spa in Idaho Falls.


Congratulations on being an Osmosis Mastermind! We’d love to learn more about your journey and your successful practice in Idaho Falls, ID.

SHERI YOUNGSTROM: I am so grateful for being honored with the Osmosis Mastermind Award! Every day, I have the privilege of engaging in a profession that brings me pure joy. My clients hold a very special place in my heart.


Tell us, what led you to become an esthetician?

SHERI YOUNGSTROM:I had rosacea and acne when I was younger. I was always trying different products, but nothing ever worked for me. My self confidence, when I was younger, involved me telling people that I was sorry for what my face looked like. I really wanted to do something like Aesthetics, instead I ended up working at a bank and was there for 20 years! I always felt like I had more in me, but I felt secure there. One day I called in sick and my manager told me I needed to come in anyways. A meeting was held to let everyone know the office was being shut down. At that moment, I had no idea what I was going to do in my professional life.

After completing an aesthetics program, I was really disappointed that I didn’t learn as much as I thought I would. I was super confused and didn’t know what to do after graduating. What I did know was that I wanted to work for myself. So, I decided to visit every single small business in my town and the neighboring towns. I walked in, introduced myself, and made connections. I walked into every single business no matter what it was. I think some people believe it's easier to build a clientele through instagram, but for me it was so much easier to build relationships in person. I talked to everyone and anyone about my products and services!

Looking back, watching my daughter was so inspiring. She followed her dreams, now I encourage anybody to follow their dreams. In my career now, I find myself being so passionate about skin health. I knew early on I wanted to find ideal products that truly worked for people because in my personal experience I was so unsuccessful. I know that I am a “later in life esthetician”, but I can’t say that I would have been as successful if I had started when I was younger. I didn’t have the confidence, perspective, and most importantly the drive that I have in my experienced years. It really takes so much to run a successful business.


Please share a few highlights of your education

SHERI YOUNGSTROM: My aesthetics program did not provide me with enough info on how products worked. I realized that it was necessary for me to do my own research. I reached out to a lot of product lines for educational offerings. I took any class I could find from product classes, business skills, and self improvement. Before Osmosis, I didn’t have products that I felt confident in.

The education I received through Osmosis is next to none. I was so impressed with how much Dr. Ben cared, I could see his passion. It really drew me in. I had never seen anyone so passionate about skincare. I had gone to every convention, show, class and nothing else compared. I knew education was a must and to find a line I could truly connect with. I found that with Osmosis.


And your Wellness Journey? 

SHERI YOUNGSTROM: I have always had problems with my digestion. I worked with a lot of different professionals over the years. It felt like everyone kept telling me I was fine, there was nothing wrong with me. In the past, I experienced a lot of trauma in my life and I still struggle with anxiety and ADHD today; over some time, I came to the realization that this was the source of my concerns. All of the post trauma and stress caused my body to have several digestive concerns.

When I first started with Osmosis, to be fair, I wasn't giving the wellness products a chance to work. I would take Recovery for two weeks and then stop. I know that when I am dedicated to my routine- my health improves dramatically! I consistently take Skin Clarifier to remove excess mucus out of my body. My stress was causing so much Inflammation. I was also filled with so many toxins.


Care to share about your own personal Wellness Protocol?


My AM Routine: 2 Skin Defense capsules, 3 Regenerate capsules, 2 Elevate capsules (which I can’t live without), 1 TBSP of Recovery.

My PM Routine: 1 TBSP of Recovery, My elixirs include: Ageless Vitality, Hormone Relief, Emotional Well-being, Digestive Relief, Skin Perfection, Relax and Unwind everyday. (they are lined up on my counter)I take Digestive Support with meals. Hormone elixir has changed my life.


What would be your top suggestion for how to invest in your health?

SHERI YOUNGSTROM: Stick with your daily routine. Self care is huge- make sure you take time out for yourself. My self care is going for a walk by myself, I take time to breathe and get outside once a day to ground myself. Self care helps you connect to your body. I’ve also learned to love taking vacations to help recharge my battery.

Lastly, whenever I can go to any Osmosis classes, or self improvement classes- I go! I love learning more about all the topics that are presented. The classes truly inspire me.


Care to share a favorite client success story?

SHERI YOUNGSTROM: Donna, her story is about lacking confidence. I had just started with Osmosis and I told her we are going to go on this journey together, but that she’d have to be consistent for this to be amazing. When she came in, she was so depressed, she said she was skeptical about anything that would create real change. After listening, I did my best to motivate her because I saw the low point that she was at. I believe my conviction is what made her trust me and my dedication to her transformation. After working together for one year, her results were so profound! She transformed into a completely new person.


What’s your favorite Osmosis product(s)? 

SHERI YOUNGSTROM: I love them all! This is my current routine:

Core 4 AM and PM with Infuse, Illuminate, Purify and Cleanse (alternating), Replenish am 3 times per week. CBD added to Immerse at night. Polish 1x per week. Protect. Tropical Mango often. I believe I am a product junkie!


How do you create such a high level of trust with your clients?

SHERI YOUNGSTROM: I am honest and realistic with my clients. When they come in we sit down, we discuss my holistic approach, and I explain that we begin by working from the inside out. Really, I get such good results with Osmosis, I cannot wait for them to come in for their treatment! I think my passion is very obvious and my personal experience with their results is so genuine. I put my whole heart into my treatments. I go above and beyond at all costs. I create an environment where people care to open up. I’m always forthcoming that it can take time (their transformation,) but that I am committed to their results.  


Do you have any advice for new estheticians?

SHERI YOUNGSTROM: Self confidence is a must to gain the trust of your clients. Improve your listening and communication skills. Address only the issues at hand. Try not to finish client sentences. Don’t rely on social media alone to obtain customers, I find that you still have to connect with people face to face in some way.  


What are you passionate about personally?

SHERI YOUNGSTROM: I love going on vacation with my husband. I enjoy listening to motivational speakers, podcasts, and learning new things. I like taking long walks outside and spending time with my grandbabies. I love meeting new people of all ages! I really enjoy people, they are my thing and I can seriously talk to anyone about anything. 


What are you looking forward to in the future?

SHERI YOUNGSTROM:  I would like to educate estheticians and help them achieve the success that I have achieved. I want to create support systems to teach them how to remain confident throughout their journey.


If you could give a facial infusion treatment to anyone past or present, who would it be? 

SHERI YOUNGSROM: Oprah Winfrey! Here's why… Since I was a little girl, I could not wait to watch The Oprah Show! I loved how she believed in herself to launch her own network. She taught me to dream big, embrace change, and never give up! Her journey reminds me to believe in myself and pursue what I want in life.


It is vital that we honor and recognize the invaluable contributions of our licensed professionals. Our Masterminds have dedicated their time, expertise, and passion to acquire the necessary skills and qualifications to serve and support others. Let us appreciate and celebrate their contributions as they make a difference in our communities. We are honored to welcome Sheri Youngstrom into our family of Osmosis Masterminds.


Do you know an outstanding Osmosis professional who is using their skill and passion to make a difference in the lives of their clients and community? We’d love to hear from you!


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